Bombay High Court fined the Enforcement Directorate (ED) Rs 1 lakh for misusing legal proceedings by turning a civil dispute into a criminal case. The court mentioned that the ED acted with wrongful intent and imposed an equal fine on the complainant. It highlighted that the dispute lacked elements of cheating and was fundamentally a civil matter.
Bombay High Court fined the Enforcement Directorate (ED) Rs 1 lakh for misusing legal proceedings by turning a civil dispute into a criminal case. The court mentioned that the ED acted with wrongful intent and imposed an equal fine on the complainant. It highlighted that the dispute lacked elements of cheating and was fundamentally a civil matter.
from India News | Latest India News Headlines Today and Live Updates from India - Times of India Bombay High Court fined the Enforcement Directorate (ED) Rs 1 lakh for misusing legal proceedings by turning a civil dispute into a criminal case. The court mentioned that the ED acted with wrongful intent and imposed an equal fine on the complainant. It highlighted that the dispute lacked elements of cheating and was fundamentally a civil matter.