Three days after two-year-old male tiger ST-2402 strayed from Sariska Tiger Reserve, forest authorities tranquillised and rescued it. The young tiger was hiding in a kitchen in Chilki Ka Bas village while villagers stayed indoors. It had injured three people earlier and damaged a forest team's vehicle before being captured.
Three days after two-year-old male tiger ST-2402 strayed from Sariska Tiger Reserve, forest authorities tranquillised and rescued it. The young tiger was hiding in a kitchen in Chilki Ka Bas village while villagers stayed indoors. It had injured three people earlier and damaged a forest team's vehicle before being captured.
from India News | Latest India News Headlines Today and Live Updates from India - Times of India Three days after two-year-old male tiger ST-2402 strayed from Sariska Tiger Reserve, forest authorities tranquillised and rescued it. The young tiger was hiding in a kitchen in Chilki Ka Bas village while villagers stayed indoors. It had injured three people earlier and damaged a forest team's vehicle before being captured.